Package Metrics¶

Below are some of the metrics related to activity on repositories that Xdev owns and package downloads for repositories that are published packaged on PyPI or Conda Forge. These metrics are updated periodically, so check back later for new information. (Note that Conda download statistics can be months out of date, so it is likely that download numbers for the current and last months will be inaccurate.)


ESM Catalog Generation Utilities

The ecgtools repository has 6 Watchers and 2 Stargazers. In 2021, there were 3465 downloads. Currently, there have been 2787 downloads so far in 2022. The most recent release is tagged at v2021.9.23.

Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot


An intake plugin for parsing an ESM (Earth System Model) Collection/catalog and loading assets (netCDF files and/or Zarr stores) into xarray datasets.

The Intake-ESM repository has 10 Watchers and 81 Stargazers. In 2021, there were 49810 downloads. Currently, there have been 16107 downloads so far in 2022. The most recent release is tagged at v2021.8.17.

Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot


Jupyter Lab Port Forwarding Utility

The Jupyter-Forward repository has 6 Watchers and 22 Stargazers. In 2021, there were 11929 downloads. Currently, there have been 7328 downloads so far in 2022. The most recent release is tagged at v2022.3.28.

Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot


Utilities for expanding dask-jobqueue with appropriate settings for NCAR’s clusters

The NCAR-Jobqueue repository has 7 Watchers and 7 Stargazers. In 2021, there were 15025 downloads. Currently, there have been 6224 downloads so far in 2022. The most recent release is tagged at v2021.4.14.

Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot


The xWRF repository has 9 Watchers and 36 Stargazers.

Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot


A high-level mapping of name/key to Xarray.Datasets.

The xcollection repository has 7 Watchers and 5 Stargazers. In 2021, there were 2311 downloads. Currently, there have been 13288 downloads so far in 2022. The most recent release is tagged at v2021.12.23.

Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot


xpersist provides custom caching utility functions in Python

The xpersist repository has 6 Watchers and 5 Stargazers. In 2021, there were 637 downloads. Currently, there have been 8884 downloads so far in 2022. The most recent release is tagged at v2021.12.17.

Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot
Bokeh Plot