
Below are the logos, icons, and specifications needed to reproduce the Xdev brand in your own documents, slides, etc.




The X in the Xdev logo is written with an uppercase “X” in the Google Font Saira Stencil One. The dev in the Xdev logo is written with lowercase “dev” in the Google Font Audiowide. Both fonts should have the same font-size and font-weight: 400; (or the default font-weight).

The logo can be reproduced in HTML with inclusion of the appropriate Google Font stylesheets in the <head>...</head> section:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

afterwhich elements in your HTML can be specify fonts with the appropriate styles:

font-family: 'Audiowide';


font-family: 'Saira Stencil One';

(Note that with HTML5, you can place the <link ...> tags above directly in the body, which is what makes the below example work.)

This allows you to write the Xdev logo purely with text like so:

  span.xdev-x {
    font-family: 'Saira Stencil One';
  span.xdev-dev {
    font-family: 'Audiowide';
<span class="xdev-x">X</span><span class="xdev-dev">dev</span>

which should display like Xdev.